Privacy wins in Obama’s $19 Bil EMR Plan


Bloomberg News  reports that patients’ rights proponents won in obama-stock-phototheir victory to defeat the Senate version of the stimulus package which allowed for looser privacy standards. 

The report also provided the following details:

  • $2 Billion in grants to creat a national system of computerized health records
  • $17 Billion in higher CMS payments for doctors and hospitals to adapt the technology.
  • Doctors would be eligible for $40,000 to $65,000 in grants if they began using EMR technology.
  • Penalties for those who fail to adapt the systems would begin in 2014.
  • The bill also tightens restrictions on the sale of medical data.

To read the entire report, click here:

The plan includes both incentives and penalties.  Do you think government intervention will help or hurt HIM departments or hospitals in the long run?

How will this affect you?

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One Response to “Privacy wins in Obama’s $19 Bil EMR Plan”

  1. Nathaniel J. Reid Says:

    This is an excelent insight into the stimulus package for health care. Will this stimulate more facilities to get into EMRs?

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